SEC’s Gensler Hints At Potential Regulation Of Crypto Assets As Securities

SEC’s Gensler: Crypto and Securities Laws Can Be Compatible

SEC Chair Gary Gensler joins Ed Ludlow and Caroline Hyde to talk about restructuring equity markets, SEC regulation and crypto.

In an interview with CNBC, SEC Chair Gensler stated that crypto and securities laws can be compatible.

He emphasized the importance of companies operating in the crypto field complying with the appropriate laws of the country to protect the investing public.

Gensler said that the SEC’s goal is for crypto firms to come into compliance and not mislead the public. The law is the law, and companies need to follow it.

He added that the SEC has been clear about the requirements for crypto lending and staking as a service, custody, and customer funds, and they will continue to do so.

Gensler also expressed concerns about potential conflicts of interest in the asset management industry due to the use of artificial intelligence.

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About the Author: Lauren Dillon

Lauren Dillon is a crypto-journalist with years of experience covering the industry. She has a deep passion for spreading awareness about the potential of blockchain technology and its potential to improve the world. She holds a degree in business information technology and decades of experience in marketing software and consulting services.

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